Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Reading Workshop!

We started reading workshop this week! The students learned that during reading workshop, first Mrs. Nagel will teach  a minilesson and they will sit quietly and listen. They will learn something new about reading during this time.  Then they will get a chance to practice reading books.  At the end of reading workshop they will be able to share what they learned or tried.

I am reading emergent story books throughout the day. These are books that have rich language and can be easily retold by the students. I will read them over and over until the students really know the stories well. They will practice "reading" by retelling the stories by looking and the pictures and remembering what the author wrote.  These are some of our favorite books.  We have read Caps for Sale, Knuffle Bunny and Cookie's Week so far this week.

During reading workshop they are sitting at tables with a basket of books. The basket is filled with mostly books  they are familiar with  like the emergent stories I mentioned earlier,  and books like Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon and Pete the Cat.  We are also enjoying looking at nonfiction books that you can learn something from.  Nonfiction books really grab kindergartners attention!

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