Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Think Central

Think Central- If the password "Password" doesn't work for think central try typing in the number I gave you at open house as the username and the password.


We are starting the very beginning stages of handwriting practice. The handwriting program we use is called Zaner Bloser.  In the very beginning we will be practicing vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines. We will also practice circles. These lines and circles are the basis for the letters. We are practicing starting at the top and pulling down.  Many children start at the bottom when writing letters. Today you will see a handwriting "worksheet" in the folders. The worksheet is the last step in the lesson. We will practice the lines and eventually the letters in many different ways. We will be using a multisensory approach that will involve things like playdough, sand and salt trays, writing the letters in the air etc. Here is what the letters look like. You can google Zaner Bloser and find printable versions of this.
Thanks for everyone for coming to open house last night.  I hope you learned a little bit about the K program at GES and if you have any questions please let me know.

One thing I forgot to say last night was that if you are ever wondering or worrying about something...ANYTHING please don't hesitate to ask. Even if it sounds silly.  I would much rather answer a quick email or a phone call than have you worrying about something.
I am really excited for the year!

I will share the parent conference times that you signed up for and I will also put the playdough signups on the blog as well. That way you can check either sign up if you need to make a change.

Speech in Kindergarten

Dear Families,
My name is Anna Hanson. I'm the Speech-Language Pathologist at GES.  Once a month,  I will be in EACH Kindergarten class for 1/2 hour a day/ for an entire week,  working on typical speech and language development.  I will be going into class during a Center time and create my own center focusing on the speech sounds that children have difficulty with, mainly L, S, R.  These are the sounds that are continually developing any where from age 5 to age 8!

The first week this will happen is the week of October 4-7.  I look forward to getting to know all your children!

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at

Anna Hanson, M.S. CCC-SLP
Licensed Speech Language Pathologist

Friday, September 16, 2016


K Time happens most every Friday morning and is a special time when all 4 kindergarten classes get together to learn, play, sing and dance.We do a different activity each week and it is a great time for all the kindergartners to get to know each other. Today we sang and danced. We also invited Mr. Lockwood in to do the Tooty Ta with us!  We had a blast!

We had our first day of library today. The students learned about library behavior and the different kinds of books that are available in the library. Mrs. Seinberg-Hughes also led a scavenger hunt to explore different parts of the library. They will be able to check books out next week.

Have a great weekend!

The first week was a success!

We made it through the first week!
Your children are writers!   This is one of my favorite parts of the day. Your children are making books already! This week was focused mostly on management lessons but I am watching them grow as writers already.  We learned that during writing Mrs. Nagel will teach something new about writing, and then they get a chance to make books  We also learned that when we think we are done we have just begun:) Writers write during Writing Workshop.... the whole time.  The students are writing with pictures  at this point in the year. We are in no rush to write words.  We are focused on oral story telling and writing a book all about one topic.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Reading Workshop!

We started reading workshop this week! The students learned that during reading workshop, first Mrs. Nagel will teach  a minilesson and they will sit quietly and listen. They will learn something new about reading during this time.  Then they will get a chance to practice reading books.  At the end of reading workshop they will be able to share what they learned or tried.

I am reading emergent story books throughout the day. These are books that have rich language and can be easily retold by the students. I will read them over and over until the students really know the stories well. They will practice "reading" by retelling the stories by looking and the pictures and remembering what the author wrote.  These are some of our favorite books.  We have read Caps for Sale, Knuffle Bunny and Cookie's Week so far this week.

During reading workshop they are sitting at tables with a basket of books. The basket is filled with mostly books  they are familiar with  like the emergent stories I mentioned earlier,  and books like Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon and Pete the Cat.  We are also enjoying looking at nonfiction books that you can learn something from.  Nonfiction books really grab kindergartners attention!

Our first day was a success!

 We had a great day but they are exhausted!! Get them to bed early and we will do it all over again tomorrow!!