Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Superheroes in Training

We are Super Readers!  We have been using our superpowers in reading workshop and have been working on using 2 powers at once. We can point to words, use the pictures, reread, use beginning sounds, and use snap words! We are amazing. I sent home book share on Monday night for the first time. Remember that book share should be an easy reread for your child. They should be using their powers, practicing fluency and snap words while reading. Let them show off and make a big deal of what they learned!  Please return the book share each day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Super Readers!

Today we introduced our Super Readers Unit with lots of excitement!  We told the kindergarteners they would be Superheroes in Training!  Superheroes are smart, strong, kind and brave!
Here is a sneak peak!


 Thanks to our volunteers for all your help and for making our party a success!

Little Old Lady

On Halloween Morning we were reading a favorite book called The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything and Mrs. Sim called into our room and said Mr. Siver was working outside and saw a little old lady walking in the woods. 

We walked outside to see if we could find her but all we founds was..
 2 big shoes that go clomp, clomp

 1 pair of pants that go wiggle, wiggle

 1 shirt go shake, shake

1 pair of gloves go clap, clap

 and 1 hat go nod, nod

and 1 scary pumpkin head go BOO, BOO!

We never did find the little old lady but we had an exciting adventure together!