Wednesday, June 21, 2017

That's A Wrap...

Thank you for a wonderful year. Your children made me laugh, made me think, made me work hard,  and made me love my job each day. They have learned to be readers and writers. Their confidence has grown and they have become learners. They are good friends.  They will always have a special place in my heart. Have a wonderful summer and keep in touch. 
Fondly, Dawn

Paesan's Pizza Day!!

On June 9th we were lucky enough to have Paesan's Pizza Day in our classroom! Brooklynn's dad came in a showed us how to throw dough and then let us play with our own dough.  We also got to enjoy some delicious pizza and play with the Paesans frisbees we used as plates!  It was a great day!  Thanks so much to the Scavios and Paesans!

Father's Day!

We had a great time with all the dads on Father Day!  Thanks for coming in!  We broke the ice by doing the tooty ta!  Thanks for being such good sports dads! Then read a book together called Me and My Dad. The most exciting event was when we tried a STEM activity.  Their task was to make an army guy launcher with a paper cup, a string, 2 rubber bands, popsicle sticks and  tape.  The creations were amazing!